Success by design! One video can change how you look at life and live it.

Check out this video. It will show you things that you can do to change your life immediately. 

I don’t care what it is that you do. If you work for someone or someone works for you. You need to hear what my friend John Costino says about controlling success and how your success is “by design”!

Anyone has 10 minutes so sit down and watch this; it could change you life; how you view it and how you live it! 

This 10 minute video will change your day today, and this week and year if you let the concepts sink in. Life is good and business is good! Opportunity is all around you; look for it and when you find it, design it!

Click on this link to watch the video (then be sure to come back to read the rest of this):

OK, my work here is done. I just wanted to share something great to help you move forward in life. Wasn't that an awesome video? Did you watch it twice? Did you take notes? Will you take what you've learned and incorporate it in how you work at your job or how you treat your employees and customers?

If you do any of the above, then getting this video to you and having you watch it was worthwhile for me. You can leave now and come back when I post something else. (By the way, if you are not "following by email" you should be or you are missing out on other cool stuff).

For the curious, keep reading...

Now, if you are still here reading and only if you are looking, and you think that you have what it takes to be a winner, I am looking for a few good people.

You probably have heard that before but I will tell you that I am serious. One thing I don’t have is time; time to waste on people who don’t care and want something for nothing. Learn a few things first and then come back to me and if I’m still looking, I may consider you.
But if you are a winner, and coachable, you may be who I want on my team to bring this company to it’s potential here in the USA!

There are 3 things you need to do.
1.       Listen to this recorded message. 559-726-1299 code 236654#
2.       Watch this video.

3.       Call this number 888-241-4031 and leave your name, phone number and the best time to reach you to be interviewed about joining my Lyconess team. Then give me a couple of days to get back with you. If accepted, get ready to run!
Looking forward to hearing from you (winner).

Ter Scott
Life and Legacy Coach

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